
Goal 1
Easy, Accessible Mobility

Please review strategies below and submit your feedback on the form at the bottom of the page.

  • 1a-1 Collaborate with the City Planning and CDOT to establish Center-City specific mode goals for walking, biking, transit and shared/micro mobility.

  • 1a-2 Use the Center City mode-shift goal to guide mobility planning and programs as well as to inform investment priorities

  • 1b-1 Construct the Silver Line in Center City including four stations at or near:

    • The intersection of the Silver and Blue Lines (11th Street)

    • Gateway Station

    • North Graham Street, and

    • The Foundry District

  • 1b-2 Redesign and program the Charlotte Transit Center to be safe, efficient and welcoming.

  • 1b-3 Continue to collaborate with CDOT, Planning, CATS and other local and regional partners to refine plans, prioritize projects, and identify resources for fixed and flexible transit systems in Center City.

  • 1b-4 Prioritize projects that overcome barriers to transit ridership through tactics including:

    • Providing seamless connections between transit modes and lines at mobility hubs and other priority destinations

    • Increasing options for first- and last-mile trips through micro-mobility

    • Improving head-ways and response time

    • Providing accurate, real-time ridership data

  • 1c-1 Incorporate Complete Streets principles and emphasize multi-modal safety in the planning and design of all roadways by re-allocated space for all modes of travel.

  • 1c-2 Collaborate with government agencies and Center City organizations to build consensus around re-designing streets for people.

  • 1c-3 Leverage the CDOT Strategic Plan and amend the Uptown Streetscape Plan to identify priority streets for redesign and/or management consistent with people-oriented streets principles, including:

    • design streets as public spaces that reflect local character and history,

    • ensure safety of pedestrians, cyclists and those using mobility devices,

    • create places to gather and interact,

    • provide alternative transportation options, and

    • function as a complete network.

  • 1c-4 Define goals and metrics for people-oriented streets.

  • 1c-5 Ensure flexible design that allows for emerging mobility tools and systems including autonomous vehicles.

  • 1c-6 Identify streets and blocks to strategically limit or eliminate vehicle traffic during certain times.

  • 1c-7 Actively manage streets to support multi-modal transportation and reduce conflicts.

  • 1c-8 Develop a comprehensive curb design and management system for Uptown and Center City neighborhood nodes that:

    • Prioritizes pedestrian safety

    • Balances the needs of commercial corridors, including loading/unloading goods and waste management, with a pedestrian-friendly environment

    • Designates and strategically locates shared drop-off/pick-up zones

    • Encourages the use of smaller commercial delivery vehicles

    • Minimized conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles

  • 1d-1 Partner with major employers and other private-sector actors to develop a comprehensive transportation demand management (TDM) program to achieve mode-shift goals as Center City grows

  • 1d-2 Launch a coordinated marketing and promotional campaign to change the culture of transit to reduce stigma and promote ridership

  • 1d-3 Ensure cleaning and sanitizing protocols and practices for transit and micro-mobility services, e.g., scooter lease programs 

  • 1d-4 Continue to partner with CATS and other agencies to pilot, test and implement multi-modal improvements and emerging mobility strategies

  • 1d-5 Construct a network of active transportation amenities such as shade structures, cooling areas, bike racks and bike repair stations to encourage walking and biking year-round

  • 1d-6 Expand active transportation programming and incentives

  • 1d-7 Implement and enforce vehicle speed limits throughout Uptown

  • 1e-1 Reimagine Interstate 277 to minimize to reconnect Uptown and adjacent communities

  • 1e-2 Advocate for a suite of policies and interventions for 277 including capping, burying or removing segments of the roadway

  • 1e-3 Plan and build the Silver Line Rail Trail as a premier trail, public space amenity and connector

  • 1e-4 Improve transportation corridors that connect Uptown and Center City with surrounding neighborhoods

  • 1e-5 Evaluate streets that dead-end into Uptown for potential bike/pedestrian connections

  • 1e-6 Encourage travel between neighborhoods with public space design elements including art and street lighting for underpasses

  • 1f-1 Develop a phased plan to eliminate single-use parking decks and lots in Center City by 2040

  • 1f-2 Revise the UMUD ordinance to include parking maximums and eliminate parking minimums with new developments, using the City TOD standards as a model

  • 1f-3 Implement shared parking in Uptown parking at Gateway Station, CTC and other Center City park-and-ride mobility hubs

  • 1f-4 Study the feasibility of parking district programs and permitted on-street parking Center City, including an assessment of political, community and business-owner support  

  • 1f-5 Study the feasibility of permitted on-street parking in mixed-use Center City neighborhoods, including a cost/benefit analysis an assessment of political, community and business-owner support  

Steering Committee Members

Please submit your comments on Goal 1 Strategies: