Once reviewed by the community and adopted by City Council, the Center City 2040 Vision Plan will be a comprehensive, strategic plan that provides a “big picture” framework and unifying vision for Center City growth and development. The 2040 Vision Plan study area builds on and complements previous planning efforts and will incorporate the community’s ideas and opinions. The plan will set forth a bold vision for the future that is unique and authentic to the City of Charlotte, providing a set of innovative, transformative strategies and recommendations that will chart the course for achieving the vision. Additionally, the plan will outline clear implementation actions to ensure that the community’s aspirations and ideas become reality.

Study Area 

In addition to including Uptown, the traditional downtown and center of the Charlotte region, the study area also reaches beyond the I-77/I-277 freeway loop and extends roughly two miles outward from the intersection of Trade and Tryon streets. Therefore, the plan will also consider planning and development issues and opportunities related to the adjacent Center City neighborhoods as shown on the following map.

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